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El Scorchio 4:29 Thu Jul 27
Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
Wow- that's a lot of money. Probably too good to turn down, but a shame to see him go.

Hope we're going to negotiate a buy back or sell on clause ;)

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normannomates 11:32 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
I agree.
Nordveit and Valencia along with Randy and Fletcher has recouped a fair chunk of the outlay thus far.
Been an interesting window in terms of the position of the 2bobs financially.
Still not clear..but will be soon enough

claret on my shirt 10:57 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
good deal for us I'd say but we badly need another striker,net spend for this window is now under £20m i'd say so there has to be a good £20 at least in the kitty

Trevor B 9:28 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
So clubs can decide not to accept a buy back clause and move on. Glad you understand that, as you seemed to be suggesting that clubs were being forced into unfavourable terms.

Enjoy your evening.

LAF 9:26 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
Yep. Perhaps that's why we moved on the Ieanacho (sp) deal. There was heaps of praise on here for doing just that. However, there are clubs in more desperate situations who need, for example, quality up front and have to kowtow to the negotiating demands of the richer clubs who are scooping up players and benching them. So, yes, in way they can walk away from the deal, and in another, looking at the market, they can't. You understand that, right?

Trevor B 9:19 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
As I said, nobody forces anyone to sign a buy back clause, nor are the terms not negotiable. You understand that, right?

LAF 9:10 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
Trevor: they are heavily in favour of the dominant selling club. They are nothing short of extravagant loans without the risk. If the player comes good through the fledgling years, demand him back. If he fails to make the grade, no loss. The game is already too much in the hands of the rich and powerful.

Trevor B 8:56 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
Why should they be banned? Nobody has to agree to one if they don't want to.

LAF 8:49 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
Bit hypocritical for some posters on here to lament a lack of a buy back clause for Fletcher, when, quite rightly, mainly of us were dead against this type of deal for the city lad. Buy back clauses should be outlawed. Period.

Tomshardware 8:39 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
The owners once again scrimping and scraping here and there. Why not have kept him and sent him out on loan, at least then we could recall him if needed and if he does well then we have an asset on our hands.

North Bank 8:04 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
I expect to see Gray arrive in the next week, Martinez isn't anywhere near ready for the 1st team and we have only spent around £20 million in this window so we can't exactly cry poverty

Tomshardware 8:00 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
Very surprised at this, thought he would go on loan.

Crassus 6:11 Fri Jul 28
Re: Worth 100 million in three years time.
Cheers Trev, that is sensible, would have prefered buy back but heyho

Still think there is a player in there - time will tell

Trevor B 6:00 Fri Jul 28
Re: Worth 100 million in three years time.
sell on clause

Crassus 5:55 Fri Jul 28
Re: Worth 100 million in three years time.
Anyone know if we secured a sel lon and or buy back?

joe royal 5:33 Fri Jul 28
Worth 100 million in three years time.

13 Brentford Rd 4:00 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
Good deal for us.
He was not good enough for us iat the moment imho.
Imagine if we were forced to rely on him for a period of games?

, 3:49 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
All the best to the lad. How much of his fee goes to ManU?

terry-h 3:20 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
Borough now have Assombalonga,Braithwaite,Bamford,Gestede,and Fletcher.

Frightening innit.

If the first named gets injured, who is going to score goals for them?

Gavros 3:18 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
They'll run the rule over Martinez in training, and if need be they'l bring someone else in and send him out on loan again.


AKA ERNIE 3:16 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
lee not whinging mate wouldve expected a much bigger net spend

i actually think our signings are very good but think how good they wouldve been if the owners had actually invested a decent amount of the sky and thd money from the move rather then invest the minimum amount.

simon.s 2:54 Fri Jul 28
Re: Fletcher to Boro for 7 million Deal completed
I'd be disappointed if we didn't get somebody else. Slav was happy to let Fletcher go, saying it was too good to turn down. It's only a good deal if the money is given to the Manager to replace him.

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